Advocating for the equality and non-discrimination of LGBTIQ+ personnel in the UN system and its peacekeeping operations

Updates on the Work of UN-GLOBE

Updates on the work of UN-GLOBE

Launching the UN-GLOBE mentorship program!

With the launch of a UN-GLOBE mentorship program, we hope to pair off staff, consultants, and interns who are looking for support and guidance on their UN careers together with experienced LGBTI staff members who will act as mentors. The goal is to help solidify the presence of LGBTI staff at all levels of the UN system. The more we establish ourselves into the institutions of the UN, the more we can ensure change from within.

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Gabe SceltaComment
UN-GLOBE meeting with Secretary-General António Guterres

I'm happy to report that yesterday, UN-GLOBE had a very productive meeting with Secretary-General António Guterres in his office. I believe this was a good step forward towards changing minds and attitudes in the UN system, and by doing this establishing a lasting culture of equality and inclusion in the United Nations. I believe very much that establishing this latter is key, for it is what can turn the UN and its thousands of on-the-ground staff around the world into credible and passionate advocates for the right of everyone to have a fair chance at life, including the LGBTI.

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Important message about email accounts for Trans staff members

As the UN Secretariat moves from the Lotus e-mail system to the Outlook e-mail system, we have become aware that for the e-mails of trans staff, the name you identify with is being replaced by your legal name. This means that those you communicate with see the latter. This is a serious problem, and UN-GLOBE has immediately worked with the Office of Information Communications Technology (OICT) to find solutions

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Update as of August 2017 + Elections Announcement

I wanted to announce to you that starting tomorrow, we’ll start the elections for the UN-GLOBE Board (which is made up of a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer). Speaking for the Board, I can say that it has been a really substantial two years. UN-GLOBE has managed to substantially advance or complete the objectives I had spoken of at the beginning of this two-year term.

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Update as of May 2017

The work of UN-GLOBE is about changing minds and attitudes within the UN, on parental leave, on mobility, on peoples of diverse sexual or gender identities, or expressions… And I can say that on this front, we have managed to see concrete progress.

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Update as of March 2017

As you know, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has made gender equality one of his priority issues, which will have a domino effect on the rest of the organizations of the UN system. Well, UN-GLOBE wants to make sure that in the UN system, when we speak of gender, we do not speak in the binary only, but also address the diverse range of gender identities and gender expressions that exist in the world.

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Update as of January 2017

The UN-GLOBE Task Force on Gender continues to work on its recommendations to the UN system on more inclusive workplaces for trans individuals, as well as intersex individuals. We are nearing the end, and hope to be able to share our draft recommendations with trans rights groups, and intersex rights groups, before we publicize them and make an all-out push for them.

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Update as of September 2016

In previous messages, I have already written to you about the workshops we conducted on sexual and gender identity issues targeted to UN senior leaders. These workshops were attended by the Executive Director of UN Women, and one of the Under-Secretary-Generals of Peacekeeping, among others.

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