Advocating for the equality and non-discrimination of LGBTIQ+ personnel in the UN system and its peacekeeping operations

Updates on the Work of UN-GLOBE

Updates on the work of UN-GLOBE

Updates as of February 2016

Dear all,

UN-GLOBE continues to pursue one overarching goal: to change the cultures of the organizations of the UN system so that they truly embrace diversity and inclusion. This change has to be felt in even the most remote UN offices.
I am fully aware that, particularly in the field, many of you are tired from having to hide your sexual or gender identity, or having to face inequalities in treatments and in policies.
We are pursuing our goal along five tracks:
Encouraging open and honest discussion on sexual and gender identity.
Seeking genuine commitment from senior leaders, through actions, not words.
Increasing visibility for LGBTI staff.
Calling for protections for LGBTI staff, from discrimination to physical integrity.
Calling for equality of opportunity for LGBTI staff that take into account their realities.
And when it comes to specifics, this is the work of the past month:
We continue to partner with the Fordham Law School to gather the experiences of LGBTI staff serving in the field: from not being able to secure visas for same-sex spouses, to facing hostile work environments. A white paper with recommendations to the UN system will be issued in May.
We continue to put together a world map detailing country by country the realities faced by LGBTI UN, foreign service and private sector employees, thanks to the help of Mala Kumar.
We continue to work with UN Cares to ensure that a training on diversity (with a very strong LGBTI component) is delivered to all staff.
The UN-GLOBE working group on an inclusive workplace for trans and intersex staff has already started work.
An event in Geneva on March 17 with parents, whether LGBTI or not, who have adopted or had kids through surrogacy is taking shape.
And we have established representation in Cote d’Ivoire, Mexico, and South Sudan.
We will continue working towards our goal day by day.
Hyung Hak Nam (Alfonso)
President, UN-GLOBE