Advocating for the equality and non-discrimination of LGBTIQ+ personnel in the UN system and its peacekeeping operations

Updates on the Work of UN-GLOBE

Updates on the work of UN-GLOBE


Dear UN-GLOBE colleagues,

Last week, Anthony Lake and UNICEF issued an internal message to staff, and a public message on Tumblr expressing opposition to anti-homosexuality laws, and pledging to continue its work to protect all children from discrimination, including those who identify as LGBT.

UNICEF is increasingly being explicit about its support for LGBTI children and individuals, specifically citing them, and we, at UN-GLOBE, welcome this move.

We have met with UNICEF’s Director Human Resources last year, exchanged numerous correspondences, and we will continue to advocate for LGBTI staff at UNICEF.

You can find both messages attached.

Also, UN-GLOBE has reached out to the Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, asking her to add her voice in opposition to the anti-homosexuality bill in Uganda, and to use her good offices to urge the Ugandan President to repeal it. Given that she is the head of the UN agency charged with education, science and culture, and given how President Musveni has based his decision on a report by a team of scientists that concluded that homosexuality is a learnt behavior, we thought it was important to reach out to her.

I want to thank our UN-GLOBE Coordinator at UNESCO Richard Lo Giudice, Frederick (Russ) Russell-Rivoallan, and other staff at UNESCO for their work on this letter.

The letter to the Director-General is attached.

The increasing homophobic environment in countries around the world is of concern to us all.

We are asked to serve in all corners of the world, but what happens when our conduct is criminalized in the countries we serve? What kind of protections should we seek?

This is something we are studying, and we will seek your input on this.

Please remember you can always reach out to your coordinators, officers-at-large, the Board, or myself at

More on this soon.


Hyung Hak Nam (Alfonso)

President, UN-GLOBE